Saturday, January 16, 2010

Evan turns 5!

Can you believe it?!! I can't. He's still obsessed with Transoformers again this year, but we had a fun time with the theme, and Evan has a HUGE collection of them now (including the original cartoons since the movies are not for kids at all).

Evan is such a good kid and we are so proud of him! The things he comes up with amaze us all the time. He told his Grandma that he wanted to be a Daddy when he grows up so he can be momma's sweetheart. That always melts me when he says things like that. I love this age when he is so in love with his Mommy.

Today I asked him if he like his sister and he said "Of course I do." I aksed why he is so mean to her if he loves her. He said "We're kids. It's gonna happen."

1 comment:

LUNTS said...

That is too cute. I am sorry i didn't make it.