Sunday, September 9, 2007

Such A Blessing Comes At Such A Price

As I have mentioned before Sass and I are expecting. We were hoping that this time the pregnancy would be as hard on Sass as the last one. Well we were wrong--at least so far. Cassandra can barely walk from room to room. Evan get shopped out to friends and neighbors so because there is no way she can take care of Evan. This weekend he has been with grandparents in Duncan. I am trying desperately to tale care of everyone, work full-time, and go to school almost full-time. There is still hope that Cassandra won't e this bad the entire pregnancy. She is after all still in her first trimester. So many people are making sacrifices to help bring this little one into the world, and it's times like these when you sometimes wonder if it is even worth it. Then when we look at our son Evan--it certainly was worth it to have him, but I'm not so sure it's worth it to have any more after this next one. Perhaps it would be slightly easier if we had family a little closer. Someday we hope to fix that. I realize this isn't much of a blog, but for the moment that is what is going on in the Gardner Family News. Hopefully someday I can write about something more cheerful.

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