Evan was so excited about the pile of dirt he got to play on all day. Face it, he's a boy, and the dirtier he is, the happier he is. You can tell from the picture that we have done NOTHING with our backyard yet.
Because of poor planning, Todd and his Dad had no help at all laying this slab. I felt bad for them. Watching kids and making food and drink runs kept me pretty busy, so I didn't get to help out a whole lot. Working outside is one of my favorite things to do, so I was very frustrated to be stuck inside most of the day. My house can be dirt for a few days before I finally motivate myself to clean it. Not because I don't love a clean house, but because I have to be in the mood to do housework. However, I faithfull mow our lawn every week. I love love love to work outside. My poor husband!
We decided that since we were getting sand/rock delivered for our slab, that we would also purhcase the rock for our driveway. The guy was going to spread the rock for us, however, our neighbor tree graciously hangs into our driveway so he was unable to do so. Now we have a HUGE pile of gravel in our driveway that we get to spread by hand... ya, 15.6 TONS to be exact!
Evan was so excited when the truck came. He kept yelling "It's Mack, Mama!" Mack is the deisel truck from Cars. It was so cute. I had to get a picture of him on the truck, but he was scared to death!
Not planning ahead of time didn;t pay off much for us. Now we can't have the shed delivered until we get the rock spread since the pile is blocking the driveway back to the slab. Silly us! I have spent hours and hours in the mornings shoveling and spreading rock and have barely made a dent. Never a dull moment! I complain, but I love it. Having sore muscles makes me feel like I've had a great workout, and the sunshine is so nice when it's still cool in the morning.
So, I will keep updating pictures as we work on this project. Hopefully one day there will be a picture of a nice completed shed all stuffed with the things that are stashed in every corner of our house and carport.