Thursday, September 18, 2008

Do I say that?

If you ever want a replay of your parenting skills, just listen to your 3-year-old. A few nights ago Evan was playing in his little collapsible tent, not doing anything wrong, and he kept repeating "That makes Mamma mad" over and over. Okay, so I do say that, but I also say "That makes Mamma happy" a lot as well. Why can't he repeat that?

Today I was doing my girly ritual in the bathroom and had Madi sitting in her bumbo chair on the counter. Everything on the counter ANYWHERE within her reach was on the floor (or in the toilet with the lotion). Ick! I told her "No, Madilyn." Immediately Evan comes in to help. He says,"No Madilyn! No, I said. How many times do I have to tell you?" Crazy kid!! I think he was just all too thrilled that he wasn't the one getting into trouble this time.

I have to tell an embarassing moment. It's probably a little personal, but read at will. We had a friend and some cousins over on Sunday for dinner. We were visiting afteward and I had to feed Madilyn. Nursing is never fun to do in the presence of company... even with the privacy cover. I always try to be non-chalant about it so other people don't get uncomfortable. Pretty soon Evan comes in from his bedroom with the doll his grandma gave him and seats himself between Todd's cousin and her husband. Evan then pulls up his shirt and announces he is going to feed the baby. Yeah, he's seen Mom enough and know exactly what to do. He then proceeds to burp her and tell us he has to feed her on the other side now. Todd and I were SOOOO embarassed.
No one needed a play-by-play on what was going on under my privacy blanket. Goodness!

It was embarassing, but then it just made me mad that I felt that way. It's natural right? That's how babies are supposed to be fed. I hate that it has to be so embarassing. God put those irritating appendages there just for that very purpose. But, he's a little boy. At least his wife won't have to worry about him not being used to that sort of thing. Sorry Evan!


Quinn said...

That was GREAT!! I love little boys, all children for that matter, they are so blunt and honest! He sounds like so much fun!! I'm still laughing. Personal stuff never bothers me, heck I feed out my own personal stories sometimes without cautioning listening ears. However your blog was very hard to read. You might want to make your text white against the background.

maccam said...

I love it! Kiddos say the funniest things at exactly the most inappropriate moments. Or do embarrasing things (I don't know about your kiddos but McKenna is not quiet with the whole diaper situation- especially during sacrament meeting!) It makes being a mom a lot more exciting. HE HE He's such a cute boy! love, Cam