Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Little Face-lift

I have been such a slacker about blogging... and we have been doing tons of stuff!

I'll do more than one post I guess.

We really really want a backyard for our kids to play in. Ours is currently dirt and weeds. Since we can't afford to water our whole property, we decided to cut out about half the grass in our front yard. Todd sprayed the unwanted grass and we are not so patiently waiting for it to die. Sounds morbid I know. We are way excited though!

We also plan to turn our current carport into a 3rd bedroom to our little cave. So, we needed a new walkway in anticipation of this far-away dream. Thus the following project:

We had a blast working on this together and we're pretty proud of ourselves!

1 comment:

LUNTS said...

That looks really nice. Good job guys.