Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today I Was a Bad Mother

I had to read the #5 scripture in relief society today. Madilyn was being a butt, as she usually is when she's NOT sleeping during her naptime (she also figured out how to make spit bubbles and farting noises with her lips today during sacrament meeting). The joys!

I was desperately trying to keep her happy and had already crawled twice around the people I was sitting with to get her. So, I did the bad mom thing... I let her wander around the room. I got quite a kick out of all the smiles that followed her. I secretly enjoyed it while at the same time wondering how many of the ladies in the relief society were thinking I was a bad mom.

I keep telling myself... 2 1/2 months, yes only 2 1/2 months until nursery!

Until then, I do love my kid, and I may just be a bad mother. Sorry ladies!


Clint and Tiffany said...

That is SO not being a bad mother! When she starts smearing mushy crackers on some old lady's leg and screaming while you pretend she's not yours... then you're a bad mom! :0) Until then, don't even worry! Love you!

Christine said...

Just so you know, I was a bad mother on Sunday too. Michael came up to sit with me in Sacrament Meeting as I led the music. After a while he got tired of sitting and would have screamed if I kept trying to hold him. He ended up roaming all over the stand during the Sacrament, and there wasn't much I could do. I know it must be distracting, but what can I do? I'm stumped.
So anyway, you're not alone! And hooray that Nursery is in the near future!