Monday, February 11, 2008

32 weeks!

The end is so close, yet still so far away. Thank goodness things are still going well. I don't have gestational diabetes... so I just have to pray this kiddo isn't as big as her brother. I've been feeling good though, besides miserable back pain.

It seems like I clean and clean and clean and there is still always more to clean. The funny thing is that I keep whining about how small my house is. I can't imagine cleaning a bigger one. I guess the hard part is keeping the clutter down because we are busting at the seems right now with no storage space.

I've been deep cleaning everything in the house to get ready for all the family. This weekend we get to work on the outside of the house. I can't wait until all the freezing ends so we can have a green lawn again. It's been so nice. Evan and I are loving the warm weather. I can't hardly keep myself inside.

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