Monday, October 27, 2008

On Behalf of a WONDERFUL Family...

A few months ago on a Saturday I got a call from my mom. She told me she was outside irrigating when she heard a big crash a few houses away. That crash was the airplane carrying Christian and Stephanie Nielson as they were trying to leave my hometown of St. Johns, AZ to return to their own home in Mesa. Since that day, and for the past few months, I have been following the story of the sad event and have fallen in love with the family behind this amazing couple.

This is a family that has suffered amazing tragedy, and yet have pulled together to make sure the four adorable kids left behind are loved and cared for. Reading their story day after day has made me hug my kids tighter, and love my husband more every day. It is a story of patience, incredible sacrifice, undying romance, and pure Christlike love.

Please read these amazing articles that were published in the newspaper. Yes, you will cry, but you will also be uplifted:

1 comment:

Our Ohana said...

my mom told me about this article - thanks for posting it! I was crying like crazy!!!