Friday, October 24, 2008

Monsoon at the Gardner's house

We are having all the luck in the world at our house. Madilyn has had a nasty cold so Todd and I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep this week. Between Madilyn waking up at night and Evan's bad dreams, there is a plot against a good night's rest for us.

Tuesday night Todd told me his car made a clicking sound 4-5 times before it would start. Wednesday morning, his car wouldn't start at all, so he took my car to work. We scheduled an appointment with the repair place for Friday morning. On Thursday Todd stopped to get breakfast before catching the bus to work and MY car wouldn't start! Luckily someone had jumper cables and he made it to work on time. When he got home we went out to jump his car so we could take it to get fixed and MY car wouldn't start again! So our friend John jumped my car, but Todd's car wouldn't start at all. We took my car in instead.

We fell dumb because all my car needed was a new battery, but there was also a leak in the fuel pressure regulator! How dangerous! We should get my car back tomorrow and then we'll tow Todd's car in to get fixed. What a mess! The icing on the cake was that Todd got to work on Thursday and got in the company truck to go fix a computer and the company truck wouldn't start! So if Todd asks to drive your car... beware!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Car trouble is the worst. We have been on a serious run of bad luck with cars the last few months. At least they broke down in the driveway, and not on the side of the road.