Thursday, October 22, 2009

What he'd to do play the Wii

A few days ago, Evan had been playing the Wii for hours, and when asked to put it away, he threw a tantrum. Our rule is, that if he puts up a fight when we ask him to put the Wii away, that he will not be able to play the next day. Evan only gets to play when Madilyn is napping.
So yesterday, he was banned from playing the Wii as punishment.

Evan asked once in the morning if we could put Madilyn to bed so he could play. We reminded him that he didn't get to play because of how he acted the day before. At lunch we were getting ready to eat and Evan said "We need to fold arms (say a prayer). " Todd told Evan thank you for reminding us. Evan then asked to say it, which is something he has NEVER done before. We were excited!

Then he said "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the food. Please bless it. Please bless that I can play a game while Madilyn sleeps. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." We couldn't believe it! The smart little stinker! How could we not laugh?

Needless to say, Todd played a game with him, but he did NOT get to play the Wii.


Christine said...

That is so cute!

Rachel said...

What a funny kid! I'm glad Luke isn't that smart yet!!! Anyways, I was thinking about it and if you still want to, I would love to do your pictures for free. (I really need the practice.) I'm free most Saturdays and Sundays. At around 4pm is the best time for pictures.